Wednesday 22 June 2011

Doctors orders

Flight Simulator

I didn't sleep very well worrying about the kids but they woke up feeling a little better. I braved the showers (at least there is no cue to contend with camping in the middle of winter) but the kids flatly refused and I can't really blame them. We decided to go and visit Questacon - the National Science & Technology Centre. The kids really enjoyed the 'hands-on' and interactive exhibits and also very educational (that surely counts for today's schooling!). We watched a presentation on Natural Disasters, went on a roller coaster simulator (Cooper's favorite) and got scared in the earthquake room. After a few hours we had a bite to eat, walked back towards the car and took in the view of Lake Burley Griffin and the Captain Cook Memorial Jet. Then decided it was way too cold and jumped in the car. Cooper was running a temperature and I felt it was time to get him to a doctor. We rang a few medical centres but were unable to get an appointment but the receptionist told us to go to the 'Walk-in-Centre' at the hospital which is staffed by registered nurses. We were seen to almost straight away and were referred to a medical centre up the road where there is no appointment necessary. We knew this meant there would be a wait but three hours later we got to see the doctor who checked the kids over and sent us on our way with a script for antibiotics and redipred for Coops. The doctor asked if we were staying somewhere warm tonight, and when we told her we were in a caravan she suggested we keep heading north! So sorry Canberra I feel really bad we didn't get to take in all the sights but we promise we will be back in the warmer months. We went back to the van had a quick dinner and went to bed to get warm.


  1. congratulations with your mum!!! cheers, and hopefully you guys will get it warmer the next few days. hope cooper will get well soon!!
    And rick put a sausage on the barbie for me!

  2. Oh dear....hope all get well soon!!! Still sounds like a fun adventure - vomit,chilly temps and all! x
