Monday 8 August 2011

Magnetic Island

Castle Rock, Townsville

Cooper cracked it because he wanted to hold Barney!

We decided it would be easier to pay the bit extra and leave the van at the caravan park while we spent a couple of nights over on Magnetic Island. We booked a self contained unit so we didn't need to take too much just some clothes, food and snorkeling gear. We caught the 10.45am car ferry across. It was a gorgeous day and very calm seas. The trip took about 35mins across to Nelly Bay. We only had to drive a little way down the road to find the Island Leisure Resort. We checked in and unloaded our bikes and gear. The room was very basic but it was quite novel after living in the van for 6 weeks especially having an ensuite and not having to walk 500m to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. After some lunch the kids went for a swim in the pool and then we went for a drive across to Horseshoe Bay and went to the Koala Sanctury to do the 2.30pm guided wildlife experience. We weren't quite sure what to expect but it was really worthwhile - our guide Tony took us through the sanctuary and introduced us to a number of its residents and along with an Australian history lesson provided an informative and interactive presentation. We saw the freshwater turtles and got up close and personal with the various native animals including Eddie the echidna, the red tailed black cockatoo, blue tongue lizard, bearded dragon, stumpy tail lizard, carpet snake and crocodiles. The highlight was a cuddle with Barney the koala. After the show we went and had an ice cream on the beach and then went back to the unit to cook some dinner. We were excited to be able to watch the 7.00 news.

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