Wednesday 7 December 2011

Streaky Bay

Having not adjusted to SA time we didn't get away till 10.30am (8.00am WA time).  At Nullabor Roadhouse fuel was 209.5 - thankfully we didn't need to fill up. We stopped at the Head of Australian Bight where you pay to walk down a viewing platform to lookout over the limestone cliffs and the Great Australian Bight Marine Park which protects a major breeding ground for the southern right whale. The whales migrate here from Antartica in June and can be seen from July to September. The southern right whale was hunted relentlessly in the early 1800s and the population was reduced to only a few hundred. Protected internationally since 1935, the species has only recently shown real signs of recovery. We continued on and had a bit of scare with the car - Rick thought it was something to do with the turbo when we lost power driving up a hill. We couldn't blame the chip because Rick had already disabled that the day before. We had some lunch while we let the car cool down. Thankfully, it seemed fine when we got going again. With the Nullabor behind us we started seeing more signs of civilization. At Ceduna we handed over the last of our fresh fruit and veg to Quarantine and continued on to Streaky Bay arriving at the caravan park after 7pm.

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