Monday 25 July 2011

Finch Hatton Gorge

Eungella NP

That is a platypus!

I slept really well considering the noise from the passing trucks. We packed up and continued heading north towards Mackay. We had decided to do a side trip out to Finch Hatton and Eungella National Park. We took Eton road which was very slow going - possibly flood damaged. There was heaps of roadworks in progress. This is a a huge sugar cane producing area and it was interesting seeing the tractors harvesting. We were looking for the Platypus Bush Camp which was situated on the river in Finch Hatton Gorge. When we found it we were met by 'Wazza', a real character. The camp ground was as unique as Wazza, no power or water (the Camps book indicated it had both) and the showers were wood-fire heated and open air on the one side looking out over the rainforest- very cool. We had some lunch and drove up the Clarke Range via a steep and windy road to Eungella National Park. It's name in Aboriginal language means 'land where cloud lies over mountain' and is the oldest and longest stretch of subtropical rainforest in Australia. Due to it's isolation from other rain forests there are a number of creatures here that exist no where else, including the leaf tailed gecko. We did the Rainforest discovery circuit and the Granite Bend track - about 3km. Caitlin & Cooper were not too happy about walking today but enjoyed their first platypus sighting from the viewing platform. We drove back via the Sky Window Circuit walk for views across the Pioneer Valley. Back at the Campsite we tried to spot some more platypus before dinner and also had a 'shower with a view'.

Good luck Madison - she is returning to Guide Dogs today to commence testing!

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