Friday 1 July 2011

Fraser Island

It was still really windy but we were quite protected from it at the campground. Although none of us really slept too well with the noise of the crashing waves and wind in the trees overhead (just above our tent!) Andy also forgot a mattress for himself (as well as the gas fitting for his Webber) so he couldn't have been too comfortable. We decided to go across to the other side of the island where hopefully it might be a bit more sheltered. We took the Woralie Creek road which took us through lush eucalyptus forests. We stopped for a look at Lake Allom and thought we would do the circuit walk but spent quite a while at the viewing platform where we were excited to see lots of freshwater turtles. Then all the kids proceeded to strip off and go for a swim. We continued on to the other side of the island which was a lot more sheltered. As soon as we were out of the cars Kaya thought she spotted a dolphin only a little way offshore. When we got closer we realized it was a shark, actually two sharks. We had a picnic lunch and the kids had a play in the sand before we decided to head further north up the beach to Moon Point and take the track back across to the Eastern side from there. We had trouble finding the entrance off the beach for the track and soon realized we were in a 'no vehicle zone'. We finally decided to take the track near the Moon Point Barge landing but still weren't too confident as it didn't seem to have been used in some time (dodgy visitor map). It did meet up with a more substantial track which we were happier about until we came across deep water holes which seemed to be getting bigger the further we progressed and before we knew it the Rogers in the Discovery 3 were stuck in the mud hole and had to be winched out by the Cooks in the Discovery 4! After negotiating a few more mud holes we got to to the track intersection to find a sign saying the track was closed due to large water holes! we made it back to the campground just on dark and prepared dinner. The kids were so tired they were asking to go to bed.

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