Saturday 2 July 2011

Fraser Island

Well I am very behind with my Blog posts but today we sorted out some of our computer hassles and have finally worked out how to post photos - yipee!
Now back to Saturday:

I still didn't get a great nights sleep because I woke in the middle of the night needing to go to the toilet but getting up and walking the 100m to the toilet block in the dark was not appealing (ok I have to admit I am a little scared of the dingoes).  I considered waking Rick to come with me but thought that might be scarier than meeting a dingo. After a cooked breakfast we headed north along the beach towards the rocky outcrop of Indian Head where the trail branches inland. We stopped at the most northern settlement, Orchid Beach where there is a well stocked shop (but terrible coffee according to Kaya, Andy & Rick).  We drove out onto the beach at Waddy Point and found a great sand dune to slide down.  It was great fun but we there were a few tears after face planting in the sand! We had a picnic lunch and walked around the rock pools.  We then had to make tracks so we could get around the point before the tide came up.  We hit some really soft boggy sand and were bogged again. Out came the winch and the snatch strap.  We were having trouble in the deep wheel ruts so we spent a few minutes filling in the sand.  We didn't have too much time to spare to get back around so were relieved when were on solid ground on eastern beach. We arrived back at camp just on dark and cooked dinner. After dinner, I was on dingo duty while the others took the kids to the bathroom to brush their teeth when a dingo came into our camp and started slinking towards me on his belly. I started to get a little worried when all of my efforts to scare him away failed - thankfully the man in the next camp came over and the dingo took off.
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