Thursday 22 September 2011


After a leisurely breakfast we decided a good place to start was the visitor centre which is over 40km further north. There was a great library which the kids enjoyed and habitat display. We collected some info and watched a short movie in the theatre room which was lovely and cool. We decided to continue on to the East Alligator region which is further north again. We bought some groceries at Jabiru and some fantastic salad rolls at the bakery. First stop was Cahills Crossing where there is a viewing platform over East Alligator river which is suppose to be a great spot for viewing crocodiles at high tide when they wait for the fish. The river forms the boundary between Kakadu and Arnhem land. We spotted quite a few crocs but high tide wasn't until 4pm. We had a picnic lunch then went and did the Bardedjilidji sandstone walk which the ranger said would be shaded. We tipped water over the kids to keep them cool - Cooper cracked it because he didnt like his t-shirt getting wet! The walk meanders amongst layered sandstone outliers. It wasn't very shaded apart from a couple of caves. It was actually quite silly hiking in the middle of the day in 39 degrees but it seemed like a good idea at the time. The 2.5km seemed like 5 but before long we were back in the air-conditioned car. We bought an ice-cream at the boarder store and then meet with the ranger to do the guided Manngarre rainforest walk which was at least shaded. We then did the Ubirr rock art sites and a couple of the informative talks. We climbed the rocky outlook for views over the Nadab floodplain. We decided to head off before the sunset because it was over an hours drive back to the campsite.

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