Sunday 23 October 2011

Dampier Peninsula

Aquaculture Centre

Cape Leveque - East Beach

West Beach

Rick cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast in the camp kitchen then we headed back up to One Arm Point to do the 10am tour of the Ardyaloon Trochus Hatchery & Aquaculture Centre. The main operations of the centre was farming Trochus shells which are sold to Italy for making buttons. There were a number of tanks set up including a touch tank with samples of the local marine reef life, barramundi, clown fish, green sea turtles and very cute baby flat back turtles. The kids enjoyed it as it was very hands on. We drove to Kooljaman and had a swim at the very beautiful eastern beach. We had lunch at the cafe and drove down to the western beach for views of the red cliffs. Back at Cygnet Bay the kids did some more beach combing for hermit crabs. We watched the sunset and Cooper was keen to have a campfire. The kids were kept entertained by the hermit crabs which came right up to the cabin.

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