Friday 4 November 2011

Cape Range National Park

Chloe & Caitlin jamming on the didge!

It has been so good having cooler nights for sleeping. Mid-morning we drove back  Turquoise Bay to do the drift dive. Strong currents are caused by a build up of water in the lagoon behind the reef. You enter the water towards the south end of the beach and let the current carry you north before exiting at the sandbar. The kids did really well, but weren't keen to have another go so Rick and I took it in turns going on our own. The coral and fish life was really beautiful and varied. On the way back to the van we called in at the Milyering Visitors Centre which had some great displays. Back at the van we cooked some mini pizzas for lunch and in the afternoon Rick went fishing off the rocks while Caitlin and Cooper enjoyed hanging out with the other kids.

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