Wednesday 9 November 2011


The kids did some journal writing while I started the pack up. We seemed to have accumulated so much stuff! It was still quite windy. Rick changed the tyres around on the car and went for a quick snorkel off the beach. We farewelled Tori and Michael and headed out of town to Carnarvon which was 240km. We had a toilet stop at Minilya roadhouse and arrived in Carnarvon around 1.00pm. We checked into the Big 4 and dumped the van before heading into town to find a new tyre for the caravan. The kids were rather grumpy after their late night. Carnarvon is situated at the mouth of the Gascoyne River which is an unusual river in that the water sits unseen bslow the riverbed in underground reserves. Water is drawn from these aquifers for the town water and surrounding plantations. Carnarvons plantations provide nearly 70% of the state's tropical fruits and vegetables. The floods in 2010 wiped out a lot of the crops and the banana plantions are only just recovering. We drove out to some nearby plantations and stocked up on some fresh fruit and veg and had a banana smoothie at Bumbak's plantation which we rated 8/10. We did the worlds biggest grocery shop and spent the rest of the afternoon packing it all!

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