Tuesday 8 November 2011

Coral Bay

It was decided - we were going on the snorkelling trip. I convinced the kids it would be a great day and they were happy when I said they could take two chuppa-chups each! We were out on the water by 9.30am and there were only 15 people all up. There was quite a bit of wind but otherwise a fine day. The first snorkel was fantastic - we saw turtles, a bull-ray, a lagoon ray and loads of amazing coral. The kids did really well. Cooper got a little cold but had a great time. After morning tea we tracked down some manta ray which were hanging around a cleaning station. We were split up into two groups and dropped into the water near the manta rays. We then swapped with the 2nd group. We got to do three drops. Caitlin & Cooper did the first swim and did really well. The manta ray are filter feeders and have a large toothless mouth which they use like a sieve to scoop up plankton and krill. They have no barb and can have a wingspan of several metres. It was quite cool on board with the wind but the kids found a sunny, sheltered spot at the back of the boat. After lunch we went to another site where we saw quite a few black and white tip reef sharks. It was a great day. After dinner we went over to Michael & Toris' van whom we had originally met in Broome. The kids watched a DVD.

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